Sunday, August 22, 2004

Broken bolt in block

Once finished with the heater box I again started working on getting the engine ready to go back in. I started on the motor mount "ears" when I noticed a broken bolt in one of the bolt holes for the motor mounts.

I remembered that I knew about this broken bolt and I had asked the machine shop to remove it when they rebuilt the engine. Apparently I didn't tell them or they didn't do it. I soaked the bolt in PB Blaster before I headed off to town.

I had broken my last screw/bolt extractor a few years ago so I decided it was off to Sears for some of new fangled bolt extractor Bob was yacking about on TV. First at Lowes they had the new fangled style for nearly $30. Over to Sears, at least they sell things that can break by the piece.

At sears the set was $12 and I picked up a couple of the old reverse screw style.

So I try the old style - and to my amazement the bolt back out with very little effort. My best guess is the bolt was broken during tightening and not removal. At last a bit of good luck.

Now I just need to find an O-ring and the nut for the oil cooler.



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